Saturday, August 6, 2016

One Against Many: Multiple Opponent Survival System

These are the notes I took while watching Branimir Tudjan’s One Against Many: Multiple Opponent Survival System.  I highly recommend this training DVD-R.
Three Rules
Avoidance—alert not paranoid
De-escalate—always try
Fight to win—win time or space, not necessarily to dominate opponents
15 second rule. You must fight for 15 seconds and gain opportunity to remove self from dangerous situation.
Combat Truths
It is not “can you fight?” but “will you fight?”.
Appearance has no bearing on fighting abilities.
Count on fear and pain.
No referees—you cannot tap out.
Attackers will attack as one.
Every fight can be your last, and there can be serious legal consequences.
Common Mistakes
Never take fight to ground.
Do not apply control lock on one opponent.
No high kicks—no kicks above crotch.
Not static stances (martial arts posture).
Dynamics of Fear
It is natural to feel fear in a fearful situation.
No shame in feeling fear.
Fear is reliable—embrace it.
Fear mobilizes—prepares body for action: fight or flight.
Fear restricts—fine motor skills disappear under influence of fear.
Fear distorts—your perception of time, space and shape will alter.
Fear inhibits—your physical and mental coordination will suffer.
Fear excludes—you may experience auditory exclusion and tunnel vision.
You must deal with the negative impacts of fear. The difference between a coward and a hero is that a hero acts in spite of fear.
Dealing with Fear
Control your breathing.
If you have to fight, fight for someone you love.
Think about what you will do to attackers, not what they will do to you.
Visualize winning and losing scenarios before any violent encounter occurs.
Athletic VS. Tactical Responses
Athletic is the sportsman approach of learning maneuvers and plays.
Tactical involves: movement, use of gross motor skills, and 15 second rule.
You will probably not be able to use fine motor skills.
MOSS focuses on gross motor skills attack: elbows, knees, open palm strikes.
You will not have time to execute more than two strikes per attacker.
Open Palm Strike: Target is the jaw. Striking with fist may break it.
Hammerfist: Target is the nose.
Headbutt: Use part above eyebrows to parts below eyebrows. Use your whole body to bring opponent to you as you strike.
Biting and gouging: Must be seen in context of MOSS, a dangerous situation. If you are being grappled, bite and/or gouge. Bite targets are any soft parts. If you do not condition yourself to bite and gouge, you will not do them.
Elbow Strikes: Targets are the neck, jaw, and nose. Grab attacker for leverage.
Knee Strike: Targets are groin and spine. Grab attacker for leverage, but stand off to the side to avoid headbutt.
Groin Kick: Move torso backwards as you kick to avoid punch/headbutt.
Groin Slap: Use back of palm to hit groin, standing off to the side.
Hardball Jump Strike: Distract by palming face then jump up and hammerfist face.
Throat Strike: Use under arm to hit throat while running to side of opponent. Grab for leverage.
Developing the Will to Win
Even if you are ignorant of moves you may win if you have desire.
10-15 seconds blindfolded defender must defend against grappler.
10-15 seconds two attackers try to move one defender laying on ground from point A to B.
10-15 seconds defender must keep a quarter clenched in his fist away from two attackers.
Tactical Footwork
Fist on Chest Drill: Attacker holds out fist towards defender’s chest and mimics moves. Never cross your feet!
Striking Abdomen Drill: Three attackers try to “hit” (not real strikes) defender in stomach.
Tactical Response Blueprinting Drills
Attackers try to grab arms.
Attackers try to grab head.
Attackers try to grab throat.
Attackers try to grab all parts of body.
Defender must avoid attackers by constant movement.
After whistle blows everyone freezes.
Defender will attack assailant then shield himself.
Circle Drills
People will form a circle in which defenders and attackers cannot leave. Members of the circle will distract defender by yelling and taunting.
Defender stuck in circle with two attackers. Defender may only hit twice per attacker and evade.
Introduces third attacker who tries to sneak behind defender pulling from behind and striking with strike pad.
Defender spins self until dizzy, punched in stomach, then turns to complete first drill.
Tactics and Strategy Rules
Initiate attack with deception.
Keep moving using a fallen assailant as a shield if you can.
After inflicting damage on one attacker, move to another if you cannot escape.
Always flank opponents.
While moving, always be looking around to break tunnel vision.
Do not grapple or trade blows with an attacker.
Advanced Drills
Applies all rules. Full power because attackers have protective gear.
Two attackers try to immobilize defender’s body.
Two attackers will try to strike defender.
Two attackers will try to immobilize and strike defender.
Ground Survival Drill
Defender starts on various ground positions with attacker in the advantage. Defender must bite or gouge out of hold.
Do not wait until you are on the ground to bite or gouge. If you fear you are going to ground, bite or gouge.

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